
All posts tagged Violet

Mirage by Kristi Cook (Winterhaven #2)

Published August 15, 2012 by crysbookreviews

Mirage by Kristi Cook (Winterhaven #2)

Seventeen-year-old Violet McKenna is back for her senior year at Winterhaven, and thrilled to be with Aidan after a long summer apart. But when a violent and disturbing vision begins to haunt her, Violet suddenly feels unsure of everything: who to trust, if she is in danger, and—worst of all—whether she and Aidan are really meant to be together. From Goodreads.

Wow, I can honestly say the second book was WAY WAY better then the first and I loved the first book. So much happened in Mirage I almost don’t know where to start. There were so many secrets in this book I was surprised that the relationships lasted.

Violet ends up with a new coach, who is actually good for her because he does teach her a lot of things. She ends up using these new things to help with her visions that she has to help figure things out more. Like the vision she had in Haven, if you read the first book you know exactly which vision I am talking about. Now the coach also happens to be a very young, very hot teacher who has secrets of his own as well.

Aiden is working almost day and night to get a cure for his vampirism so he can be with Violet for the rest of her life. I felt bad for Aiden because someone was going behind his back and tampering with the cure that was causing some not so great side effects.  Basically life couldn’t get any harder for Violet and Aiden. No matter how hard they try to be together it is like fate refuses to allow it for some reason.

There are some new characters in this book that are definitely going to have bigger parts in the next book and I can’t wait till that book comes out. I know I may be heartbroken at the end of that book but I hope not as much as I was when this book ended. I still love my happily ever afters, it is the romantic in me.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Haven by Kristi Cook (Winterhaven #1)

Published August 15, 2012 by crysbookreviews

Haven by Kristi Cook (Winterhaven #1)

Violet McKenna thought she was crazy when she had a vivid vision of her dad’s murder—but when her premonition came true, her life fell apart. Then she found a new school: Winterhaven. There, Violet fits right in. All the students have special “gifts” like her own, and she quickly finds a close group of friends. But Violet’s attraction to an alluring boy becomes problematic when intense visions of his death start to haunt her. In her premonitions, the secret he is unwilling to share begins to reveal itself—and the unbelievable becomes reality. To Violet’s horror, she learns that their destinies are intertwined in a crictical—and deadly—way. From Goodreads.

I absolutely loved this book! I like how Violet wasn’t just a girl but that she was psychic and able to have visions from the future. I know there are a lot of books about psychics but how many are in a school full of psychics and vampires? Oh and werewolves. Yea, it was pretty awesome.

I loved the relationship between Aiden and Violet. I thought it was cute, even though I am one of those that aren’t for insta-love. I loved how their relationship grew as time went on. I also liked how they fought, of course it isn’t about normal stuff because she is psychic and he was a vampire. Plus everyone loves a hot vampire.

I was really surprised to find out that Violet wasn’t only just a psychic, of course I won’t tell you want that is. You would just have to read the book to find that out. I also thought that it was pretty awesome and definitely made everything more suspenseful.

The biggest shocker I think I had been finding out who betrayed Violet and Aiden. I was so upset about it; I really thought that person was a good person. Yea I am not giving any details because once again, you should definitely read these books. I hope we find out why he chose to do what he did but you never know, it may just stay a mystery.

I reread this book to make sure I remembered what happened before I read Mirage, the second book by Kristi Cook. It didn’t disappoint me the second time around either.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.